> The Youth Adventure SeriesThe Youth Adventure Series
The Youth Adventure Series is a multi-event series centred around youth and community engagement. Through a partnership with The Snowy Monaro Regional Council series of youth-focused skate, BMX, scoot and mountain bike events were delivered across nine different locations.
Through sponsor and supplier relationships with national and international brands such as Vans, Oakley, Skullcandy and Boost Mobile. The Youth Adventure Series delivered high class and professionally judged competitions to rural areas affected by the 2019/2021 bushfires.
This series also included a finals weekend that brought sponsor activations, live music and food vendors together to create a buzzing atmosphere that celebrated the success of this series.
Key Project Elements:
- Programming & Scheduling
- Supplier Management
- Community / Resident Engagement
- Project Creation & Development
- Sponsorship Implementation
- Volunteer, Staffing Procurement and Management
- Financial Reporting, Budget Development and Management
- Project Management
- Acquisition and Marketing