Making Your Brand Tactile in 2024

In the digital age, we often forget one of our most primal senses: touch.

Brands, this one’s for you, so listen up. It’s time to let your audience truly feel your essence, and we’re not just talking physically.

  1. What Does ‘Tactile’ Really Mean?

To many, tactile means touch. But it’s more nuanced than that for brands. It’s about creating an environment that’s the antithesis of sterile – that people want to expose themselves to and participate in. Think back to those hospitality suites – a blend of textures, sights, and sounds that altogether scream ‘experience me’.

  1. Beyond Just Touch: Crafting Holistic Experiences

Remember my time at Red Bull? Their motto, “Can in Hand,” wasn’t just about physical touch. Every moment someone held that can was a content opportunity, a memory being created. It’s about layering the tactile with visual, auditory, and emotional stimuli and having them all work together to create something great, something out of the ordinary bringing your brand to life.

  1. The WOW Factor: Give Them Something They Won’t Forget

We had the privilege of activating the Casio Edifice partnership with Formula 1, a place of speed, precision, and exhilaration. And what was our WOW FACTOR you ask? Imagine a 3m aluminium watch you can sit in to race the official F1 game. And right next to it? Walls built specially with retractable secure wires, letting visitors slip on an Edifice watch without a wait. Immediate, impressive, immersive.

  1. Accessibility: Making It Easy to Engage

Gone are the days of “Look, but don’t touch.” Today’s consumers want to dive in without barriers, right there, right now. Just like with Casio Edifice, we made it seamless. No waiting for personnel, no barriers. Just pure engagement.


  1. Sponsorships: Your Gateway to Amplified Tactile Connection

When we talk about sponsorships, we’re really talking about strategic partnerships. These partnerships can extend your brand’s reach far beyond what you might achieve on your own. But there’s a catch: it has to be done right.

Think about it. If two brands unite with a shared vision and a clear strategy, their collective audience doesn’t just double; it magnifies, offering a plethora of touchpoints for deeper, tactile engagements.

Reflect back on the Formula 1 and Casio Edifice alliance. Together, not only did we expand our reach but we provided fans an unmatched tactile experience. It wasn’t just a watch they were trying on; it was a piece of the adrenaline, the excitement, the very essence of racing.

When negotiating sponsorships, it’s not just about terms and money. It’s about how two brands can interweave their stories and create tactile moments that remain etched in attendees’ memories. It’s leveraging partnerships to let people not just see, but deeply feel the brands involved. And lucky that’s our specialty.

The future of branding isn’t just about seeing; it’s about feeling in every sense of the word. From the physical touch to the emotional resonance. Dive in, embrace the tactile experience, and let’s redefine what it means to connect.

The world is changing, and so are the rules. Are you ready to be felt in 2024? 

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